The Seasons of Eyewear
- Thursday, December 22, 2016 |
There are many around the world who are taking advantage of the growing Online Eyewear Frames market in many countries, across the earth. Many people around who world who are taking a share of the huge amount of profit to be made from such a giant venture. Though they have had many challenges to go through to get themselves out there into the market and completing to others on pricing, service and delivery. They also have to account for many of the different kinds of markets around the world with very different levels of income and economy. If the right measures or choices are not made it can easily turn a fortune into a complete disaster for the company. Those in the United States may be able to pay more of a premium for an excellent pair of Online Eyeglasses Frames and one in a third world country may not be afforded the same kind of luxury. This is when prices have to dip when meeting customer exceptions, too much of a price dip gap and a lot of money can be lost, but if the proper pricing is followed then a lot of money can be made even a little from each customer but amounts to quite a lot in total.
This is one of the reasons some Eyewear Online companies are launching themselves into the retailer stores in these third world countries, a lot of the tech and product currently available in western countries is now starting to flow to the east opening up huge markets for many industries. Companies will also have to complete to see who can offer the best service and the best product for a great price that a mass of people can join into. True there may be companies who are stubborn in their marketing and continue to push product at higher mark ups in price. But who is really going to buy these product unless they are living in the top percentage of income in the specific country leading to an over stocking and not that many sales at all. A lower price can guarantee many more customers who may actually be interested in the product itself, true the margins may not be all that great but when you get 10 times or 100 times more sales you would at higher prices that is what will make the difference.
A lot of these third world countries actually have a huge population, a product does not specifically have to reach out to all of them, but it should be able to find a proper balance to encourage sales. Another aspect many companies who sell in retailers have to account for is the floor space limited to those products that are selling in big numbers to reason their stay on that space or shelf. Retailers only have so much space to hand out to manufacturers or distributors to push the product to the customer, if one product is not selling enough and another one is, then the retailer may start wanting to push the low sales product out. They also have profits to be gained from high sales even if the product does not belong to them, so maximizing the space is a huge concern. A lot of companies would actually try to get into these giant retailers who shifts billions of dollars’ worth of product in a year but it almost guarantees that their product will be seen by a huge number of walk in customers who may decide to make a purchase right then or even remember the product to purchase directly at a later date.
There are some startup companies with new innovative products who decide they want to go towards the online market first, this is actually a pretty smart choice as it means they do not have any extra overhead costs then needed at the most. This way the customer would have little choice but to go directly to them to make a purchase but this also means more of those Dollars come directly to the company rather than giving out a share of the profit margin to a third party. This also helps expand their direct company brand and appeal, though not many actually make it all the way to that side of the field. The customer can be very picky and may make decisions based on a number of factors such as price, product innovation, appeal, brand and often totally on a whim.
Companies who base their product on a new gimmick can at times see huge numbers in sales simply because their product may seem “cool” at the time and had a huge advertising spread in different ways. But this also means others may try to copy your product to get in on the profits and it also means your sales can die out just as fast as they were sky rocketing. The company can make poor Business decisions during this time that can cost in expenses that they may not be able to sustain unless the product continues to do very well. Often there are times when a company tries to redo the amount of sales they had with one product by quickly producing another but this can actually hurt sales or not even take off at all. A lot of customers are actually not very loyal to a brand and jump around often to other companies products if those are deemed better and then there are those who stick with the brand which causes them to be hurt in the long run when the company is pushing out something of the same every time. One successful product at one time cannot mean that every product produced in this similar way or need will continue to be so this is the part where business decisions count.
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